Friday, April 4, 2008

"Motility" in scholarly article

A recent visit to an academic library turned up an accidental discovery: a journal article titled "Listening to Bowel Sounds: An evidence-based practice project." The subtitle: "Nurses find that a traditional practice isn't the best indicator of returning gastrointestinal motility in patients who've undergone abdominal surgery."

This article was found discarded next to the public printer. It can be found the American Journal of Nursing (2005) Vol. 105, No. 12.

At the end of the article was a 15-part multiple choice test. Question Six said:

"The key bowel-related parameter of postoperative recovery of GI motility is:
A) coordinated contractions of the stomach;
B) passage of flatus;
C) coordinated contractions of the colon;
D) passage of stool

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