Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pool water contamination

A certain Pennsylvania county wants to prevent incidents in pool water that sicken residents.

"Impatient for tighter state health safeguards following cryptosporidosis outbreaks at pools in Montgomery and Chester counties last summer, Bucks County has drafted its own tougher rules for public bathing places.

"The highly contagious parasitic infection -- spread through contaminated feces -- causes diarrhea, cramps and other symptoms that mirror stomach flu.

"...Central to Bucks County's effort to prevent an outbreak of cryptosporidosis is a requirement that pools shut down after any "fecal, diarrhea or vomiting incident" in the pool water."

newspaper article:
Bucks looks to safeguard pools; County wants rules to prevent contamination from feces, vomit. Morning Call. Allentown, Pa.: May 9, 2008. pg. B.1

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